Monday, July 6, 2009

Beware of Beeps

What if very bad people that hate campers came up with a virus that made humans allergic to wood. It wouldn't be deadly, just make them uncomfortable enough that they wouldn't want to come into contact with wood because it would make them very sick, or depressed, or gassy or something of that nature, and the cure would be something simple like taking a shower, but not a shower in anything other than a house shower. The cure wouldn't be obvious, so people would go to a doctor and the doctor would simply recommend a shower, but due to their skepticism they wouldn't believe and continue to suffer.

You would come up with a name for them like Beeps, b for bears and eep for peep and then s for plural, because these people would be attacking other people like hungry bears, not the people who got the virus, the people who distribute the virus. Then you would make signs that read: "Beware of Beeps".

These very bad people would design this virus because of their pure hatred towards people who don't shower. I think it would just be people who like to camp in the woods, otherwise the virus wouldn't really have an effect - at least not on city dwelling folk.

Don't confuse me with beeps; I don't have anything against people who don't shower. I don't even shower myself! How could I? I'm in space, and if I remove this helmet bad things happen. But the actual beeps would have something against people who don't shower and who traipse around in the woods and they wouldn't want them touching trees and spreading their body odor all over them.

The beeps would probably shower a lot.